Data Platforms

Building data repositories to integrate data across platforms and institutions to gain a better understanding of various disease states


CARDS is centralized data repository designed to integrate data of different types from across projects and platforms. The goal is a generic platform for data capture, navigation and standardization through the use of ontologies and NLP annotations using NCR (Neural Concept Recognizer).

There are currently three projects under development that utilize the CARDS platform: CARDS4LFS, CARDS4CaRe and  CARDS4Kids. The LFS project is aimed at studying Li-Fraumeni Syndrome, a rare cancer disposition. CARDS4CaRe is primarily a data entry tool for the UHN Cardiac Rehab clinic designed to push data to an external site on a nightly basis. Finally, CARDS4Kids is aiming to become a single point of entry for multiple cardiac registries and incorporates dashboard analytics and visualizations to assist during Cardiac Rounds at the Hospital for Sick Children.


The CHILDdb is a web application built to provide questionnaire browsing, visualization and data export functionality for the Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) study. It quickly expanded to include a deep admin workflow, allowing study admins to easily track new investigations that use CHILD data, as well as control the release of protected data.


The upcoming IMiC project aims to provide a data and sample repository for an international breast milk study being run out of University of Manitoba. The application will provide customized access levels based on user role, as well as highlighting analytics and visualizations for quick access to metrics across the project.


CReSCENT: CanceR Single Cell ExpressioN Toolkit is an intuitive and scalable web portal incorporating a containerized pipeline execution engine for standardized analysis of single-cell RNA sequencing data. CReSCENT is populated with public datasets and preconfigured pipelines that are accessible to computational biology non-experts, and user-editable to allow for optimization, comparison, and re-analysis on the fly.

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