The CanDIG project, led by our team, is building a federated solution for the analysis of privacy-sensitive, distributed human genomics data sets. Participating sites will be able to analyze national-scale data while maximizing privacy and keeping it under local control; enabling new, Canadian-scale research programs, one-stop discovery of genomics data, and a variety of interactive or long-running analyses.
CHORD (Canadian Health ‘Omics Repository, Distributed)
CanDIG is building a national platform connecting human health genomics research data from hospitals and health research institutes across the country. CHORD was a two year (2018-2020) CANARIE-funded research data management project to make CanDIG’s technologies and approaches available to academic researchers across the country with less sensitive data that can be stored on Compute Canada clusters. The work from the CHORD project lives on in the Bento project and pieces developed for CHORD have been integrated into CanDIG v2.
CINECA (Common Infrastructure for National Cohorts in Europe, Canada, and Africa)
The Data Team, and CanDIG, participates in the CINECA (Common Infrastructure for National Cohorts in Europe, Canada, and Africa) project. CINECA aims to demonstrate federated querying and analysis across cohorts of data from Europe, Canada, and Africa. CanDIG leads the efforts developing federated querying and interactive analysis tools, and is on the executive council of this international project.
The ClinDIG project was proposed to integrate and build upon existing components from other DATA Team projects, namely CanDIG/CHORD’s genomics infrastructure. ClinDIG aims to build out an HL7/FHIR-based clinical data system, allowing interoperability with most Canadian health record systems; ClinDIG will directly integrate our existing open-source clinical data capture and medical imaging systems; and will enable data access committees (DACs) to use precision and automation to judiciously allow access to health data which has been discovered by researchers using CanDIG/CHORD’s “censored discovery” services.
PROFYLE (PRecision Oncology For Young peoPLE)
Project support provided by the DATA Team.
TF4CN (Terrfy Fox Canadian Comprehensive Cancer Centres Network)/MoHN (Marathon of Hope Network)
Project support provided by the DATA Team.